“Who is safeguarding the creative industries?”

I spent my autumn 2024 in London at the Creative Industries Independent Standards Authority, CIISA, and reached out to all available international contacts. On 14 February, CIISA published our report and will take up recommendations detailed in the report: An international Community of Practice. Download the report here for free.

The Report in a short

The creative industries are globally connected, but there is no consistency in tackling harassment, bullying, and discrimination. Creative Industries Independent Standards Authority will act on the proposed recommendations and create a global Community of Practice.

A fruitful collaboration

I am tremendously thankful to my interview partners, who talked me very openly through their experiences. Being concerned with issues such as bullying, harassment and discrimination, it was empowering and motivating to see so many organisations worldwide working towards the well-being and safety of creative industry workforce.

I am very looking forward to building that international Community of Practice and keep working with CIISA and it's international partners on making art, culture and the creative industries a safer place to work.

Learn more?

CIISA’s Chief Executive Jen Smith said:

“Clara’s invaluable research not only highlighted the global connectivity of the creative industries, but that we all face the same challenges in keeping our talented workforce safe. We will act on these recommendations to create an international community of practice, which aligns with our ambition to innovate in this area and connect globally with like-minded initiatives to share best practice and drive consistency.”

CIISA’s efforts will help bring key initiatives together to discuss the global approach for supporting those working in the creative industries and promoting real change.

TIPP: Webinar zu den Highlights des Berichts

Montag, 17. März 13:00 - 14:00 (Wiener Zeit) - Deutsch.


Verhaltensstandards in Kunst und Kultur?